Admissions Arrangements
Joining the school at the beginning of year 7
If you are currently in Year 6 and would like to join our school, please make your application before 31st October. Applications must be made through the Local Authority in which you live. For Redmoor Academy, this is usually Leicestershire County Council:
We traditionally hold open events for prospective Year 7 students and their parents in September and October;
- If you are in Year 6 and would like a tour of the school during the day, please contact Mrs Davey to arrange an appointment:
- Our Open Evening is on Wednesday 27th September 2023. Please see our website for further information.
Joining the school in all other years or during year 7
Redmoor Academy manages its own “in year” admissions. “In year” (or Mid-Term) admissions for Redmoor Academy is any admission that would take place after the start of the academic year in the Autumn to join the school during that same academic year.
Please note: a waiting list only exists for entry into Year 7 until the end of the Autumn Term in that academic year. Please see our admissions policy for full details.
To apply for a place at Redmoor Academy, please complete our “in year” application form;
Should you wish to speak with us about the application process, appeals or the current availability of places in a particular year group, please contact:
Mrs Davey (Principal’s PA);
The school will aim to notify parents of the outcome of their application within 10 school days, but will notify in writing within 15 school days.
In the event the application is unsuccessful, there is the right to appeal. An appeal form will be provided if required, where you set out your grounds for appeal, and the appeal will be heard within 30 school days of receipt of the appeal form.
All admissions for Redmoor Academy are considered in line with the DFE School Admissions code which can be found at:
Statutory Information
Redmoor Academy Admissions Policy 2025-26
Redmoor Academy Admissions Policy 2024- 2025
Redmoor Academy Catchment Area Street Finder