You can find our school performance data on the GOV.UK website here.

Ofsted 2021

We are delighted to be celebrating the outcome of our recent Ofsted inspection that took place in September 2021. During the two days, inspectors visited lessons, met with staff and students, examined student books and explored the leadership of the school. The school was judged as being “good” in every category and therefore “good” overall.

The report commented on the noticeable pride staff and students have in the school, the quality of the academic and personal education provided and on the positive relationships and culture created to achieve this.

“I am extremely proud of our students, staff and parents for this achievement. It is the result of a great deal of hard work and reflects our commitment to provide an excellent all-round education where our students achieve superb qualifications and develop the skills and knowledge that will make them successful and valuable members of our global community.” Matt Nicolle – Principal

What Ofsted say about us:

  • Pupils and staff are very proud of their school. They say that this is a happy school. Staff care for pupils well. Older pupils recognise that the school has improved in the last four years. Pupils speak warmly of the support they receive.
  • Pupils and their parents and carers say that the school makes sure that pupils are safe.
  • Pupils know what bullying is and are confident that adults would deal with it appropriately, should it happen. Incidents of bullying are rare.
  • Pupils’ conduct is polite. They behave well in lessons and at breaktimes. There is a calm and orderly feel to the school.
  • The school’s values, ‘Redmoor DNA’, underpin the life of the school.
  • Staff have high expectations and pupils’ learning and progress. The climate for learning is positive and engaging.
  • Leaders are ambitious for everyone to do well in all aspects of school life. This is a school that serves its community well.
  • Senior leaders have improved the school since the previous inspection.
  • The principal has set out a clear vision and direction.
  • Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is broad in its scope. Subject leaders identify the precise knowledge and skills that they want pupils to learn.
  • Teachers use assessment well to determine what pupils have learned and refine plans for pupils’ next steps in learning.
  • Leaders are developing a culture that recognises the importance of reading and literacy.
  • Teachers support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities by adapting curriculum plans to meet their needs. These pupils receive effective support in lessons.
  • Leaders are addressing barriers to learning for disadvantaged pupils.
  • Pupils behave well. They conduct themselves positively around the school. They respond well to adults’ high expectations. Low-level disruption in lessons is very rare.
  • Leaders foster an inclusive ethos.
  • Leaders work to promote pupils’ personal development is strong.
  • Governors and trustees are mindful of staff welfare, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are ambitious for all pupils and the school community

The Inspection Report is available to view here.

GCSE Results

Redmoor students secure excellent outcomes. We are extremely proud that the progress Redmoor students make over their five years of study is consistently above average – and has been for seven consecutive years. The most recent leavers, our ‘Class of 2024’, achieved the best examination results in the history of our school.

We are immensely proud of our inclusive ethos and we continue to work hard to support all students to achieve their best, whatever their starting points. In 2024’s GCSE results we have seen the gap in progress made by disadvantaged students and their non-disadvantaged peers reduce and our students with special educational needs thrive. Many of our students also continue to secure the top grades across the range of subjects on our Key Stage 4 curriculum – with well over 300 grades at 7 to 9.

A summary of our school’s performance over the past seven years can be found in the table below. As you will see, year upon year Redmoor students leave us having secured qualifications that enable them to progress to a variety of Post-16 destinations, training, apprenticeships and employment, their futures bright and filled with possibility.

You can find out more about Redmoor Academy’s strong position in terms of GCSE outcomes on the government website linked to here: Find & Compare Schools (


*Attainment 8 is the sum of a student’s best eight GCSE grades

*Progress 8 is a comparative measure: if a student makes the expected progress between their KS2 SATs in Year 6 and their GCSEs in Y11, they score 0. A positive score above 0 shows progress is above the national average and a negative score below 0 shows progress less than students nationally.

In 2020 and 2021, Progress 8 figures were not published nationally as exams were suspended. The figures shown were calculated through a national collaboration with over 2,000 schools (and approximately 200,000 students) so provide a useful indicator of how we compare to other schools.

GCSE Results 2024

Redmoor Academy is proud to celebrate the achievements of its students who have just received their GCSE results. Individually and collectively, students have achieved an excellent set of qualifications that will establish a foundation for their futures.

Students have demonstrated incredible resilience, commitment and dedication to their studies, exemplifying our Redmoor DNA through their effort and attitude. We are very proud of them, especially after the impact of the global pandemic on their studies during Key Stage 3. These results will enable our students to progress to a variety of Post 16 destinations of their choice, to continue their educational journey.

Many students achieved multiple higher grades (9-7) which places them amongst the highest achieving students nationally, while others have made phenomenal progress from their starting point. Whilst there are too many to mention, notable performances include: Charlie Smith, Rebecca Hall, Chloe Glover, Morgan James, Jenny Copson, Abigail O’Brien, Nathan Graham, Andrew Jenkins, Molly Cropper and Christopher Ayres. 

We wish all our students the very best for their futures, which are bright and full of potential and possibility.