How do you develop your students Spiritually, Morally , Socially & Culturally?
SMSC Statement:
The school is committed to offering students the opportunities to:
- identify, reflect on and explore experiences and distinguish between right and wrong;
- discuss moral issues develop and talk about their own attitudes and values;
- take responsibility for their own decisions;
- develop an understanding of social responsibilities and citizenship;
- celebrate a diversity of cultures.The school aims to create an ethos that fosters the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all students. The Principal promotes an agreed school ‘moral purpose’ as shown in the poster below: Redmoor High School Academy Trust
SMSC is developed through:
- the whole curriculum Morals and Ethics(ME);
- CPSHE in Tutor Time;
- Identified curricular activities, e.g. Integrated Learning Days;
- Assemblies;
- Our Code of Conduct & Positive Behaviour Policy;
- Extra-curricular activities and Active Learning Programme;
- Opportunities for ‘student voice’ , student leadership, and Junior Leadership Team – JLT .
Spiritual Development
The school supports the process of acquiring positive personal beliefs and values:
- an active basis for personal and social behaviour;
- for the consideration of the meaning and purpose of human existence;
- the seeking of answers to questions about the universe.The primary aim is to underline the spiritual concerns of humanity (e.g. matters of life and death, the purpose of life, choices in life, etc.) Theme for the week’ allows all students and staff an opportunity to reflect on pertinent moral and spiritual themes.
Spiritual development is experienced largely through Religious Education. At Redmoor, all students at KS3 study Morals and Ethics(ME) as discrete lessons. ME lessons aid students to gain insight into their own beliefs and loyalties and work out their personal and spiritual values and practices so that they may take up their own spiritual allegiances. Moreover, it contributes to the moral and social development of our students, developing consideration for others, an appreciation of human rights and responsibilities and a concern for justice in society. Also, it develops students’, respect for the practices of different religious faiths and a sympathetic understanding of their underlying values and concerns.
Wider opportunities exist in the school’s curriculum that enable students through discussion, to think about religion and appreciate the variety of faiths by using art, drama, music, languages, science and technology as well as humanities to heighten awareness of the spiritual dimension in our lives creating tasks which question students and enable them to work out their own position on issues, both moral and religious.
Moral Development
Moral Development:
- encourages students to develop fundamental precepts about behaviour and the reasons forbehaviour
- helps students to develop the skills and confidence to make decisions
- gives students the confidence to listen to and respect the thinking of answers to questions aboutthe universe
The school has agreed Core Values which permeate the life of the school in all experiences and interactions:
- mutual respect
- driving ambition
- nurturing talent
- dynamic enterprise
- community spirit
Alternative Timetables
In addition to our Core timetable there are identified times during the year that the school has an alternative timetable for the day or part day. The focus is to encourage departments to work collaboratively and to also provide opportunities for students to work vertically or with different groups of students in order to further develop the personal learning and thinking skills of all students.
Active Learning;
Integrated Learning Days;
Achievement events;
Induction and Transfer days; End of term events;
Sports events;
Redmoor’s Charity Challenge
Additional Curriculum Enhancing Opportunities
Please see the calendar and Period 6 (P6) timetable on the website for the whole wealth of opportunities, that not only include subject specific support or intervention activities but also STEM, Drama, Music, Art , Design Technology, Robotics, and Computer Science to name but a few.