As large events such as parents’ evening cannot be held in school at present we are using the SchoolCloud system. The feedback from both parents and teachers has been overwhelmingly positive.
In particular parents’ liked the following features:
- Appointments match the published times – there is no waiting around, queuing or over-running.
- The 7-minute length of consultation allows just the right amount of time.
- Discussions are focused and purposeful with time for questions too.
- There is total privacy with no chance of discussions being overheard.
- Virtual events are convenient with no travelling or parking. Discussions happen from the comfort of home.
Parents who prefer a more traditional phone call are welcome to turn off their camera. SchoolCloud now offers a new feature where up to two parents can log in from different locations allowing those still at work or separated parents to join for consultations.
Overall, whilst the public health situation prevents large gatherings, we feel this system is a good alternative for meeting teachers to discuss your child’s progress. We would like to thank all parents for working with us to keep our lines of communication open.
You can read more about how SchoolCloud parents’ evenings work here: