At Redmoor Academy we recognise that literacy is not only fundamental for academic success, but also for students to become active members of society once they have left school. At Redmoor, we want to show students that literacy is empowering; each student has a voice and must have the confidence to use it.
We are proud of our literacy-rich curriculum and in each subject we place a high value on developing disciplinary literacy. One key strand of this is students being confident in using subject specific terminology in both their verbal and written responses so that they can confidently speak and write like experts in that field. Additionally, all subjects plan ‘Talking Points’ and Academic Reading into their curriculums across the key stages, providing many opportunities for students to read and engage with a wide variety of academic texts and to practise formal, intelligent talk through high-quality discussion. This enhance students’ cultural capital – vital for success beyond Redmoor.
As a school we want to foster a love of reading. All students at Redmoor have access to our KS3 or KS4 reading list. It is a very comprehensive list of recommended fiction for teenagers and includes books from many genres to suit all tastes. It contains a simple guide to the complexity or suitability of the books for different types of readers. When not in school, students can browse and reserve books through our Online Library Service, and if students are unsure about what to read then Mrs Moore, our school librarian and teen fiction guru, is always full of great recommendations!
Furthermore, all tutor groups have a morning registration dedicated to Page Turners. This is a twenty minute activity where the tutor or a tutee reads aloud from the opening chapter(s) of a book, themed extract or poem, asking questions and discussing key characters, plots and themes within the texts. Page Turners are available to borrow from the Library and are a fantastic opportunity to bond as a tutor group over some great fiction for teenagers. Students will have been exposed to a wide range of quality texts by the time they leave Redmoor Academy. During tutor time we also have a focus on our ‘Word of the Week’. Students are given the word fortnightly during registration and are rewarded for using it throughout the week, as many do – some of them quite creatively!
All students in Year 7 and 8 at Redmoor have lessons dedicated to oracy, comprehension and whole class reading. The Literacy curriculum is taught by teachers across all subject areas and provides students with skills that underpin excellent literacy across the wider curriculum. Firstly, we focus on developing students’ ability to articulate their ideas and opinions in order to give them the confidence to participate in high quality discussion and debate. Students also learn new vocabulary and implement it, and are provided with the opportunity to write creatively and persuasively, developing their writing through the power of words. These activities lead to higher quality written work across their subjects. In Literacy lessons, students also read a Whole Class Reader, pausing to discuss key moments, themes and ideas within the books.
We are proud of the 2023-24 introduction of Lexonik, an intervention programme to support students reading below their chronological age. It’s a fast-paced, intensive and fun approach to boosting reading confidence and providing students with the strategies required to develop and maintain phonological awareness. Students are invited in groups of four to participate in a six week intervention delivered by specialist, effective teachers. The programme is designed to make students curious about language whilst providing them with the tools necessary to understand the academic language they are exposed to at school and beyond. The average progress made across six weeks is twenty-seven months in reading age. For more information please visit
At Redmoor, we put literacy at the forefront of all learning, supporting students, empowering them, and providing them with opportunities to succeed here and in later life. It is integral that young people are supported with Literacy, which is why such a high emphasis is placed upon the subject across our curriculum. Our final plea is that you encourage your child to read at home, for twenty minutes minimum per day. Our handy guide: Parental Support for Struggling Readers might help you to encourage your child to read.