Every student is a member of a house tutor group for the five years of their education at Redmoor Academy. There are six houses (with seven currently in Year 11) and all are named after types of trees: Ash, Beech, Elm, Oak, Maple, Poplar, Willow and Yew.
We are proud to have a house system which:
- Develops our students’ sense of loyalty and allegiance to their house
- Increases community cohesion
- Provides increased opportunities for competition, both within year groups and collectively across whole school houses
- Incentivises our students to work hard and think hard in their lessons and in their independent studies
- Nurtures an increased sense of respect and responsibility for the value of teamwork
- Promotes student leadership during house competitions
- Develops leadership skills for the KS3 students who work as house representatives and the Year 10 and Year 11 students who work in the roles of House Captains
- Develops students’ personal and social skills
- Teaches our students the value of hard work and application
Our students collect house points throughout the academic year. These are awarded to students who demonstrate the attributes of the Redmoor DNA – whether that be through their academic work, their extra-curricular activities or their contributions to our school community. We award house points when students: participate in class; produce excellent homework; attend extra-curricular activities; contribute to their school community; achieve outstanding school reports or demonstrate kindness – among many other things!
Every point earned is added to each student’s individual total, opening up a plethora of rewards and opportunities. For example, each fortnight the two highest house points earners are rewarded and celebrated. Students collect points to work towards their Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum house awards and are again rewarded when they hit each benchmark. Finally, each student also has the opportunity to earn a free place on an end of year trip (for our top 40 house points collectors across all year groups). Every one of the points gained also counts towards students’ overall house totals too.
At a house level, students can also earn points and develop their Redmoor DNA by participating in a rich calendar of competitions, whether that be playing other houses at benchball or competing to create the longest paper chains. Students work on their physical fitness by taking part in our school Sports Day and join together to raise awareness of important issues locally, nationally and internationally. Houses within each year group compete to win the house cup and houses across the school compete to win the Redmoor Academy Shield.