Redmoor Academy has long prided itself on the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its students. However, if parents do have a complaint they can expect it to be treated by the School in accordance with this Procedure.
Policy Statement
It is hoped that most complaints and concerns will be resolved quickly and informally. Parents can be assured that all concerns and complaints will be treated seriously and confidentially. Correspondence, statements and records will be kept confidential except in so far as is required where disclosure is required in the course of the School’s inspection; or where any other legal obligation prevails.
Please note that this procedure does not apply to issues concerning the curriculum, collective worship, admissions, exclusion appeals, decisions about special educational needs or grievances by school staff. These are the subject of separate complaints procedures.
Framework of Principles
- be easily accessible and publicised
- be simple to use and understand
- be impartial
- be non-adversarial
- allow swift handling with established time-limits for action and keeping people informed of the progress
- ensure a full and fair investigation by an independent person where necessary
- respect people’s desire for confidentiality, wherever possible (some information sharing may be necessary to carry out a thorough investigation)
- address all points of issue, providing an effective response and appropriate redress, where necessary
- provide information to the school’s senior management team so that services can be improved.
Stage 1 – Informal Resolution
If parents have a complaint they should normally contact their son/daughter’s Tutor. In many cases the matter will be resolved straight away by this means to the parents’ satisfaction. If the Tutor cannot resolve the matter alone it may be necessary for him/her to consult with the Head of Department or Year Head. If the Head of Department, Year Head or Tutor cannot resolve the matter it may be necessary for him/her to consult with the appropriate member of the Senior Leadership Team.
Complaints made directly to the Principal will usually be referred to the relevant member of staff unless it is deemed appropriate for him/her to deal with the matter personally.
The member of staff receiving the complaint will make a written record of all concerns and complaints and the date on which they were received. Should the matter not be resolved within fifteen working days (term time) or in the event that the member of staff and the parent fail to reach a satisfactory resolution then parents will be advised to proceed with their complaint in accordance with Stage 2 of this Procedure.
Stage 2 – Formal Resolution
If the complaint cannot be resolved on an informal basis then the parents should put their complaint in writing to the Principal (see Appendix A). The Principal will decide, after considering the complaint, the appropriate course of action to take.
In most cases the Principal will meet/speak to the parents concerned, normally within seven working days (term time) of receiving the complaint to discuss the matter. If possible a resolution will be reached at this stage.
It may be necessary for the Principal to carry out further investigations.
The Principal will keep written records of all meetings and interviews held in relation to the complaint.
Once the Principal is satisfied that, so far as is practicable, all the relevant facts have been established, a decision will be made and parents will be informed of this decision in writing. The Principal will also give reasons for his/her decision. If parents are still not satisfied with the decision they should proceed to Stage 3 of this Procedure.
Stage 3 –Chair of Governors
If parents seek to invoke Stage 3 (following a failure to reach an earlier resolution) they will be referred to the Chair of Governors. He/she will undertake a review.
The person carrying out the investigation will review the way in which the school has handled the complaint and ensure that the issues have been dealt with properly and fairly. He/she will normally write to the complainant with the outcome of this process within 15 working days of receiving the complaint.
The general principle is that the school should be able to produce documentary evidence to show that the complaint has received fair and proper consideration within the school’s procedure. If they have any concerns, they may ask the Principal to re-open the investigation. The complainant will be kept informed of any delay.
If it becomes apparent that the complaint is a disciplinary or capability issue, then the matter will be dealt with by the appropriate procedure rather than the complaints procedure. The complainant will be notified if this is the case with their complaint, but the complainant is not entitled to know which procedure or the final outcome.
Stage 4 Panel Hearing
If the complainant is not satisfied after the Chair has completed their review, the matter will then be referred to the Complaints Panel for consideration. The Panel will consist of at least three persons not directly involved in the matter detailed in the complaint, all of whom shall be independent of the management and running of the School. The Governors shall appoint each of the Panel members. The Clerk to Governors, on behalf of the Panel, will then acknowledge the complaint and schedule a hearing to take place as soon as practicable and normally within ten working days (term time).
Copies of all papers shall be made available to all parties, not later than seven working days prior to the hearing.
If possible, the Panel will resolve the complaint immediately without the need for further investigation.
Where further investigation is required, the Panel will decide how it should be carried out. After due consideration of all facts they consider relevant, the Panel will reach a decision and may make recommendations within ten working days (term time) of the Hearing. The Panel will write to the parents informing them of its decision and the reasons for it and the external procedures available to them. The Panel’s findings and, if any, recommendations will be sent in writing to the complainants, the Principal, the Governors and, where relevant, the person complained of.
The decision of the Panel will be final.
Monitoring and Review
The Governing Body monitors the complaints policy, in order to ensure that all complaints are handled properly. The Principal logs all formal complaints received by the school and records how they were resolved. Governors examine this log on an annual basis and consider the need for any changes to the policy.
A copy of this policy is available to all parents on request.
For a complaints form please click here.