• To value and respect each student as an individual within a caring, purposeful and stimulating environment


  • To recognise effort and achievement, encouraging students to be independent, responsible and successful lifelong learners


Our Statement

Redmoor Academy will not tolerate bullies or bullying of any description.

Redmoor Academy’s aim is to promote a safe, co-operative and valued environment, where everyone in the school community is respected and where everyone’s voice is heard so that bullying does not feature in the life of a student at Redmoor.

Code of Conduct with Regard to School Behaviour and Relationships within the School Community

We recognise that all adults in the school are role models for the students.  The way in which we behave towards each other and to students is particularly important in terms of providing positive role models.  Therefore, as adults we must:

  • Show respect for every student and other colleagues within the school community as individuals;
  • Be aware of vulnerable students;
  • Separate the behaviour from the student;
  • Avoid favouritism;
  • Be seen to be fair;
  • Avoid labelling;
  • Have high expectations of students;
  • Never give students ammunition to use against each other;
  • Actively seek to uphold a praise culture within the school.

Young people also have a responsibility to role model appropriate behaviour for their peers.  We therefore believe that all students must:

  • Show respect for their fellow students and adults working within the school community;
  • Support and look after others when they may be feeling vulnerable;
  • To do their best to participate in the positive culture of Redmoor;
  • Actively support the schools anti-bullying policy;
  • Take responsibility for their own behaviour.

Bullying is a subjective experience taking many forms, which makes it difficult to define.  Redmoor Academy considers bullying as:

  • Repetitive, wilful or persistent
  • Intentionally harmful, carried out by an individual or a group, which is meant to hurt, frighten or upset another person
  • An imbalance of power leaving the victim feeling defenceless

Bullying is different from other kinds of aggressive behaviour due to its’ persistent nature

Types of Bullying

Emotional e.g.

Horrid hand signs, hiding personal belongings, unfriendly, leaving a person out, hurting an individual’s feelings.

Physical e.g.

Hitting, spitting, kicking, punching, pushing, and damaging belongings.

Homophobic e.g.

Calling a person ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’, mimicry.

Through a third person e.g.   

Sending a person horrible messages.

Verbal e.g.

Name calling, teasing, sarcasm, cheeky, talking about a person behind their back.

Racist e.g.

Graffiti, calling racist names, jokes, mimicry, physical threats.

Sexual e.g.

Touching, when a person doesn’t like it, rude comments, and pornographic material.

Cyber e.g.

E-mail, msn, texts, camera phones/images, social media, happy slapping.

Reporting and Responding to Bullying

All members of the Redmoor Academy community will always treat incidents of bullying seriously when an incident of bullying occurs.  As soon as incidents occur either by written, verbal or e-mail at any time either at school or in the community, students are encouraged to tell:

  • A Redmoor member of staff;                
  • Mum, dad, carer;
  • A trusted adult;
  • A friend;
  • A peer mentor;

and to adopt STOP (Start Telling Other People)

Everyone in the Redmoor community has a role to play in preventing and reporting incidents of bullying as well as supporting the victim.

All incidents or bullying need to be taken seriously and staff need to support the victim by:

  • Listening;
  • Giving advice;
  • Taking appropriate action to ensure the victim is safe;
  • Taking necessary action to stop the bullying;
  • Monitoring the situation;
  • Informing the parent/carer if warranted.

Bystanders are encouraged not to walk away and ignore the bullying but to inform someone.  If the bystander feels it is safe they can tell the bully that they don’t like what is happening and to stop what they are doing.

Recorded Incidents

  • Reported incidents are logged by staff involved and are recorded in the bullying and pastoral/behaviour support logs.
  • The pastoral team has the overview of the recording system.
  • Incidents of bullying and support mechanisms for both the victim and bully are disseminated to all staff through a variety of channels – verbal and written e.g. pastoral team and staff briefings.
  • After an incident has occurred the procedures are evaluated to ensure they are effective.  Amendments are made on an on-going basis.


When the first incident of bullying is brought to the attention of a member of staff and proven:

The bully will receive a verbal warning from an appropriate member of staff and a written record kept of that warning.

Their behaviour will be monitored and counselling given, where appropriate.

The second incidence of bullying reported and proven:

The bully will receive a verbal warning from the Pastoral Manager and a written record kept of that warning.  Parents will be informed.

Monitoring and support will continue.

The third incidence of bullying reported and proven:

The bully will lose the privilege of working/being with others for a specified period of time.  Their parents will be contacted and a meeting arranged at the school.

Monitoring and support will continue. A managed move may be implemented.

The parents will be informed that if any further incidence of bullying is reported and proven:

The bully may be excluded from school for a specified period depending on the type and severity of the incident(s).

The matter referred to the Governors of the school with a recommendation that the bully be permanently excluded from Redmoor Academy.

Monitoring and support will continue.

All incidents may not go through the whole procedure.  What is shown is the normal course of events.  Any particular incident may result in immediate exclusion from school but it will be up to the Principal to make the decision.

Strategies for Preventing Bullying

The school will adopt a range of strategies to prevent and reduce bullying, to raise awareness of bullying and support victims and bullies.  Including:

Upholding the Redmoor Code of Behaviour;

  • Reinforcing the Reward System (see existing policy);
  • Co-operative group work;
  • Circle time;
  • Peer mentors/mediation;
  • Midday supervisor training;
  • Buddy systems;
  • PSHE programmes;
  • Self-esteem workshops;
  • Subject areas, e.g. ME, Drama, PE, History, English;
  • School nurse;
  • Outside agencies/visiting speakers;
  • Anger Management/counselling;
  • ‘One off’ events e.g. Big Dave, Theatre Groups;
  • Participation in Anti Bullying Week.

Parental Support and Advice


  • Encouraged to contact school regarding incidents.
  • Information in school prospectus, organiser and Redmoor Anti-Bullying Support book and Website.
  • Material from the local authority e.g. bullying in the community.
  • Police, EP advice and involvement.


This policy has been seen, commented on and amended by parents, students, staff and Governors.

Policy to be reviewed through student, staff and parent voice – bi annually by pastoral team