Exam Timetables

  • An overview of all examination dates can be found here: Summer 2024 GCSE Exam Dates and TimesĀ 
  • Individual exam timetables have been issued to each student today; please check these carefully – particularly the tiers of entry for Science, Maths and French
  • Individual arrangements for rooming and seating will be shared with students after EasterĀ 
  • All morning exams will start at 9.00am and afternoon exams start at 1pm
  • Students should arrive in plenty of time (at least 15 minutes before), in full school uniform and with the correct equipment for each exam
  • Early morning pre-exam breakfast and after school classes before an exam the next day will also be offered as an opportunity to settle nerves and answer last minute questions (details of these can be on the exam timetable found here as 8am or 3pm sessions)
  • Before all exams, we will provide students with complimentary bottles of water, toast and/or fruit
  • Regardless of the dates on studentsā€™ own exam timetables, ALL STUDENTS are expected to remain available until after the governmentā€™s exam contingency date of Wednesday 26th June 2024: this is the reserve date for any exams that have to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances


  • Students should be revising independently every day. Exam information for eachĀ subject and revision guidance can be found here: Summer Exams 2024: Revision Guidance
  • please use the following links for information about effective learning strategies as well as an editable study timetable to help students organise their time carefully
  • Our Exam Support sessions are still taking place and your childā€™s teachers will be in touch personally should your childā€™s attendance be required after school for these small, targeted interventionsĀ 
  • Maths AIM drop-in continues on Tuesdays after school, as does English drop-in on Fridays
  • There is a full programme of revision sessions being offered during the Easter holiday and details of this have already been shared with you (the programme for this can also be found here: Easter Revision Schedule)Ā Ā 
  • A separate booking form for the Easter Revision classes has been sent via Parentmail

Study Leave

  • We know that being in lessons that are structured and focused on the precise needs of the exam and the students is the best preparation for GCSE exams
  • However, we reach a point during the exam period when students have completed the majority of their exams and will therefore only need to attend for their remaining exams
  • This point changes every year depending on the exam schedule and we are working this through currently
  • We will inform you of the start date for study leave after the Easter break but it is likely to be towards the end of the first week in June

Supporting your child during their exams

  • Take an interest: know when their exams are and what they have to do
  • Provide a quiet working environment
  • Help them plan: little and often rather than larger chunks of time revising is shown to be more effective
  • Ensure students eat and drink before an exam
  • Balance their time: too much study can be as negative as too little
  • Don’t make plans that mean that students have little or no preparation time

Once again, thank you for your support and best of luck to Year 11 in their forthcoming exams.