I have to take any medicine
Medicines or tablets that have to be taken during the school day must be given in at Student Reception, labelled clearly with the student’s name / tutor group and dosage, together with the letter of authority from the parent / carer, a copy of which can be obtained from the Student Reception.
I have lost/forgotten my locker key
Go to Student Reception as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to remember your locker key every day. It will cost £5 if you need us to order you a replacement key.
I have no money/credit for food
Speak to your tutor, or go to Student Reception.
I have lost something
Retrace your steps. If not found ask at Student Reception or the PE department for PE kit.
I don’t feel well or get hurt
You should go to Student Reception if you are not well enough to be in school. The First Aid team will also be available for emergencies.
I have a personal problem that I want to talk about
Speak to any member of staff you feel able to discuss it with or ask to see the school nurse.