Daily Timetable

Breaktime/Lunchtime Arrangements
Pupils are expected to follow the School’s lunchtime arrangements.

In case of bad weather:-

Break Time
All years to go to the blue area or the hall and remain there until dismissed

Unless pupils are attending a lunchtime club they should go to the following areas:-

•   Year 9 – Tutor bases from 12:30

•   Year 8 – Tutor bases

•   Year 7 – Tutor bases

We expect all students staying at School for lunch to remain on the School premises, unless they bring a letter from home requesting permission to leave. Permission will be given for genuine, urgent reasons only.

We occasionally find that the behaviour of individual pupils puts at risk the safety of others. If this is the case, parents will be given written warning to this effect and, following a subsequent incident; parents will be requested to make alternative arrangements for the lunch hour for a period of time.