Student Expectations

● I will only use technology for school purposes as directed by my teacher.
● I will not reveal my passwords to anyone.
● I will be responsible for my behaviour and actions when using technology such as google
classroom, this includes the resources I access and the language I use.
● I will make sure that all my communication with students, teachers or others using
technology is responsible and sensible.
● I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that I should not be
viewing. If I accidentally come across any such material, I will report it immediately to my
teacher or my parent/carer.
● I will not share resources or videos created by my teachers with anyone who is not a
student or member of staff at Redmoor Academy.
● I will not record or take photos of my classmates or teachers during a face-to-face session.
● I will not share any school content on social media platforms.
● I understand that when using Google Classroom and other applications provided by the
school that my use can be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers.
● I understand live lessons delivered by video conferencing, such as Google Classroom will be recorded by the teacher, for students to be able to continue to learn outside of the allocated lesson time. All recordings of lessons form part of the curriculum, all data retained in the recordings are done so in line with UK GDPR. This data will be reviewed and destroyed in line with our curriculum data as stated in the Retention Schedule.
● I will continue to follow the rules regarding my use of technology as outlined in the school’s
ICT Acceptable Use Policy.
● I understand that these rules are designed to help keep me safe and that if they are
not followed, school sanctions will be applied, and my parent/carer may be


When participating in a video conference on Google Classroom, or any other video conferencing software, remember that this is an extension of the classroom and you should conduct yourself as you would when you are in the classroom.
This includes:
● Being on time for your interactive session
● Being dressed appropriately for learning (e.g. no pyjamas)
● Remaining attentive during sessions
● Interacting patiently and respectfully with your teachers and peers
● Providing feedback to teachers about your experiences and any relevant suggestions
● Video conferencing from an environment that is quiet, safe, and free from distractions.
● You MUST NOT record each other’s online interactions. Lessons will be recorded by the staff member.
● Make sure you end the session as soon as the teacher indicates to do so and do not stay in the session after the teacher has left.

General Rules and Guidelines

1. It is recommended that you follow the school timetable as far as possible.
2. Please complete tasks as they are set for each lesson.
3. Please follow the instructions given by your teacher on how to submit your work.