To support those affected by the conflict in Ukraine whilst continuing our Philanthropy theme, there will be some fundraising and other activities going on across the school next week. This is where we can all get involved and make a real difference to the lives of others.
To start the week, we will be organising a collection of essential items that are needed by victims of the war in Ukraine. Items can be brought in from Monday and these will be collected on Thursday. Items that are needed urgently are:
  • torches with batteries
  • bandages
  • first aid kits
  • toothbrushes and toothpaste
  • disposable bowls and cutlery
  • nappies
  • sanitary products
If you are able to contribute to this collection, every little helps.
On Friday 8th April, we will be having an extra non-uniform day where we are asking students to wear something blue or yellow.
There will be a minimum donation of £1 which will be donated to support the victims of the war in the Ukraine. All students who wear blue or yellow will also be given 2 house points.
And finally, we will be having a tutor competition where tutor groups will be asked to make the longest line of coins. Each tutor group will be asked to bring in coins which can be used to construct the line. The tutor group who makes the longest line in each year group will win a prize and house points. All the coins collected will be used to buy additional essential items.
We thank you for your support.