We look forward to welcoming our new year 7 students to Redmoor on Wednesday 30th August. Here are a few reminders about the first few weeks of term:
At Redmoor we pride ourselves on high standards with uniform. Please remember to check your transition booklet or the following link with regards to uniform: https://www.redmooracademy.org/uniform/
If you have any questions about uniform please do get in touch.
On Wednesday 30th August, please enter school through the main reception as year 7 will be gathering in the hall. If you arrive before 8.30am please use the back playground where there will be staff on duty to welcome you.
Over the first few weeks we will be introducing you to lots of new things at Redmoor, this includes spending extra time with your tutor over the first two days. You will be given a map and lots of guidance to help you find your way from one lesson to the next.
Importantly, you will need your ClassCharts login details to access details of homework tasks, reward points and sanctions. There will be login details for both parents and students which you will receive by Friday 1st September. Please note that for the first three weeks year 7 students will only have homework set in English, Mathematics and Science. This will hopefully help students get to know our expectations of homework, begin to complete it and hand it in on time without feeling overwhelmed as they transition from primary school.
There will be an opportunity for parents to attend two evening events during the first half term, our KS3 Information Evening and Year 7 Tutor Evening. We really would encourage parents to attend both events to help support your child’s transition to secondary school. You will receive more details about both events in the near future.
Please do get in contact if you have any questions or queries.
We look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 30th August!