We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are looking forward, as we are, to students being back to school in the week commencing Monday 23rd August. We have finalised the LFT testing schedule and are delighted to confirm that we are able to stick to our planned return dates for all year groups;

Testing Date Return to School Date
Years 7 & 11 Monday 23rd August Tuesday 24th August
Years 8, 9 & 10 Tuesday 24th August Wednesday 25th August

For their return, please ensure students are in full school uniform and bring with them normal school equipment such as pens, pencils, rulers etc. As we mentioned in our communication in July, students are only permitted to wear a small discreet stud piercing in each ear and a watch – which must be able to be removed for PE lessons. All other piercings must be removed for school and hair colour should be natural.

We have reverted back to to our original times for the school day for all students;

  • Students should be on site no later than 8.35am for an 8.40am start
  • The school day ends at 3pm

All year groups will have time with their form tutors and assemblies on the first day back with Year 7 having an extended morning on their first day as part of their induction into Redmoor.

It is not only exciting to welcome students back for the new school year but to be able to do so knowing we can provide a full Redmoor experience for the first time in nearly two years. We will continue to promote excellent hand hygiene and hand sanitiser will be readily available. After their initial two LFT tests in school, students will be expected to continue testing at home throughout September. We are awaiting delivery of these tests and will notify you when we send these home with students.

As always, we look forward to your support and involvement in the academic year ahead and meeting you at the relevant events planned for your child.

I hope you enjoy the remaining days of the summer break.

Kind regards,

Matt Nicolle
