Our approach to homework is based on the following:
- Year 7 students do not have homework set in the first few weeks as they settle into Secondary school and form good independent learning habits. They will then only be set homework in English, Maths and Science for the first half term.
- There will be a parent workshop on supporting homework during Key Stage 3 Information Evening on 12th September. Further information will be sent via Parentmail.
- We hold a homework club (Study Space provision) until 4pm Monday-Thursday with Teaching Assistant support for any students who may need extra time or help.
- All staff set homework on Classcharts which parents can monitor and check as they please
- Increased clarity and training for teachers regarding homework quality and scheduling. This avoids a high demand of homework on particular weeks or moments in the academic year
- A greater variety of tasks have been introduced in each subject, including more creative homeworks, which have proved highly motivating for students and led to many awards for excellence
- Teachers are encouraged to record Key Stage 4 revision expectations on Class Charts so that students are supported to manage independent work
- Improved systems for acknowledging and rewarding homework
- Improved detention system for 2024-25 to reflect the value of homework and encourage students to adopt good independent learning routines (page 18 & 22 of the Behaviour and Relationships policy )