We will be holding an online Year 9 Progress Evening on Tuesday 15th November 2022 from 3.30pm until 7.30pm. This will take place using video calls with your son/daughter’s subject teachers using the platform School Cloud. The evening will provide an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress with their teachers. It is our hope that every child’s parent/carer makes every effort to attend so that we are working together as a team to support your child with their learning.
Appointment times for teaching staff can be booked via this link: https://redmooracademy.schoolcloud.co.uk
- Booking opens on Tuesday 1st November and there will be instructions to follow on screen to make your appointments, which will later be emailed to you
- On the day, once logged in you will see a notice that you have upcoming video appointments and under this the details of the event, along with a Join Video Appointments button
- Press the button to join your appointment. From here you will be connected to each teacher automatically, one after the other, at the right time for each appointment
- Each consultation will last for 5 minutes and 40 seconds, with a clock showing how long is left
- There will be a 20 second gap between each appointment.
If you wish to discuss any more general issues regarding your child’s health or wellbeing, please get in touch with your son/daughter’s tutor or the relevant member of staff:
Mrs E. Green Head of Year 9 egreen@redmooracademy.org
Ms Wilson/Mrs Constable SEND team: rwilson@redmooracademy.org
Mrs Pickering/Miss Bakewell Pupil Premium team: pupilpremium@redmooracademy.org.uk
Mrs S. Green Attendance: attendance@redmooracademy.org
The platform allows you to turn off your device’s camera if you would prefer the meetings to be more like traditional phone calls. Please see the attached picture guide giving a step-by-step guide to how the system works. A more detailed guide can be found at: SchoolCloud – How to attend video appointments. If you experience any problems making your appointments through the new system, please contact the school office.
We look forward to seeing you online on Tuesday 15th November.
Yours sincerely,
K. Nichols
Mrs K Nichols
Assistant Principal