As we approach the final weeks before the start of the GCSE exam period, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our Year 11 students the very best of luck and also to highlight some key information you may find useful. Even before they sit their GCSE exams, we are already extremely proud of them. With continued hard work, we are confident they will achieve fantastic results. However, attendance in these last weeks is vital and every lesson will provide invaluable revision to your child. Please ensure they are in school every day.

Revision How to Take Better Notes for Effective Revision and Study Organisation


Exam Timetables

  • Summer 2023 GCSE Exam Dates and Times
  • Individual exam timetables have now also been issued to each student. Arrangements for seating will be shared with students after Easter. 
  • Morning exams start at 9.00am and afternoon exams start at 1pm. Students should arrive in plenty of time, in full school uniform and with the correct equipment for each exam.
  • Early morning pre-exam breakfast and after school classes before an exam the next day, will also be offered as an opportunity to settle nerves and answer last minute questions.
  • Before all exams, we will provide students with complimentary bottles of water, toast and/or fruit.
  • Regardless of the dates on students’ own exam timetables ALL STUDENTS are expected to remain available until after the government’s exam contingency date of Wednesday 28th June 2023. This is the reserve date for any exams that have to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.

Study Leave

  • For the vast majority of students, being in school and attending structured lessons will provide the most effective preparation for their exams.
  • Therefore, lessons will continue for Year 11 until 3pm on Wednesday 7th June 2023. This will be students’ last day of formal lessons. After this date, students need only come to school if they have an exam. 
  • Subject teachers will be available for students to contact with any individual queries or for support after lessons cease.