In lessons

  1. Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones, tablets or smart watches

  1. Phones should be switched off, in bags or lockers. (This includes during any after school clubs or revision sessions and also during any school trips.)

  1. If a student’s phone is seen or heard during lesson time, it will be confiscated by a member of staff and kept in the Behaviour Support Office until it is collected at the end of the school day by the student. A sanction of ‘C1 inappropriate phone use’ is likely to be given.

  1. If students are granted permission to leave a lesson to go to the toilet, first aid or for a ‘time out’ they must leave their phone on the teacher’s desk before leaving the classroom.

  2. Very occasionally, teachers may give permission to use phones in a lesson, for example to take a photo of information on the whiteboard for later reference.

In School

If a phone has been used:

  1. to send inappropriate messages or content

  2. in a bullying incident

  3. or to photograph or film another student or staff member without their knowledge or consent

It will be confiscated and parents contacted to arrange collection of the phone. Such incidents are serious and will usually carry further sanctions.

*During break and lunch, students are permitted to use their phones in the dining areas or outside. They cannot use phones in corridors or other areas of the school.

Further Sanctions

  • Refusal to follow these rules, may lead to time in isolation or even a fixed-term suspension.

  • Particularly serious, or repeated instances of phone misuse, will lead to a ‘phone ban’ where students hand in their phone to a member of the pastoral team from 8.30am until 3pm each day

  • The school accepts no responsibility for mobile phones brought onto the school premises -this is entirely at students’ own risk. This includes phones that are confiscated due to misuse.

Contacting Home/A Student

If a student needs to contact home for any reason they should go to the behaviour support office/medical room. If a parent needs to contact a child, please do so via the main school office number.